By Triple P - Positive Parenting Program March 12, 2024
Tips from Triple P
By Mary Procter February 15, 2016
Preparing Your Child for the New School Year School is fast approaching for most children and with all ages and stages there is some degree of anxiety involved. Will I like my teacher, will I have any friends in my class, what...
By Joanne Te Paiho January 16, 2015
Tena koutou...And welcome to another year. I cannot believe it has been about a year since my last column, where did the time go? I guess I have been so tied up in my Mahi and the busyness around my Whanau, that the time gets quickly swallowed...
By Joanne Te Paiho January 15, 2015
Tena Koutou..Whanau/Family. How do we look after all the intricate relationships that dwell inside this multifaceted organization, for want of a better word? I feel it would be fair to say that on some level or another we may have all...
By Joanne Te Paiho November 15, 2013
Tena Koutou. 'It takes a village to raise a child', an old human development phrase from my study days, but one that has stuck with me. What does that mean exactly and how well are we doing this in our communities? This may mean...
By Joanne Te Paiho January 15, 2013
Tena Koutou, and welcome to another year. I hope you have all managed to manoeuvre your way through the Christmas festive season to a space where you are beginning to prepare yourselves for the year ahead. Recapping on conversations over...
By Joanne Te Paiho October 15, 2012
Tena Koutou. It has been some time since my last column; I hope the winter months have been kind to you all. I took some much needed space away from my work over the winter period, to make some changes, rejuvenate, do some work around my...
By Joanne Te Paiho May 15, 2012
Tena Koutou. Looking back over my last column, lead me to wonder if you may all be thinking, this whole parenting thing is impossible and what a load of rubbish, because who has got all their stuff sorted and what the heck does this wise adult...
By Joanne Te Paiho April 15, 2012
Tena Koutou. Following on from my last column around what a parent's job description may look like, I want to spend some time today, looking more closely at this. We know that having a baby and becoming a parent doesn't come with a...
By Joanne Te Paiho March 15, 2012
Tena koutou, Rangatahi Teens ... how might you develop that all important positive relationship with your young person? What sort of relationship do you think they want from you? These are really important questions to ask yourself if you...
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