Practical advice for parents tackling specific problem behaviours. Four 2.5 hour sessions over a number of weeks. The series of sessions includes the Triple P Teen groups: Coping with Teenagers' Emotions, Getting Teenagers to Co-operate, Reducing Family Conflict and Building Teenagers' Survival Skills - find strategies and solutions that work for you.
Call Parentline Manawatu on 06 355 1655 or 0800 4FAMILY to register for 1 or more of the sessions.
Coping with Teenager's Emotions - Wednesday 26th March - 9.30am-11.45am
Building Teenager's Survival Skills - Wednesday 2nd April - 9.30am-11.45am
Reducing Family Conflict - Wednesday 9th April - 9.30am-11.45am
Please phone 0800 432 6459 to register for the above Discussion Groups.
Registrations essential! Suggested donation $5 per session.
Where: Parentline Manawatu, Hancock Community House, Level 2, 77-85 King Street, Palmerston North.