A MEMBER of Parentline Manawatu is a person or organisation who pays the $10 annual membership fee which entitles them to voting rights at the AGM, to attend Parentline meetings and to be co-opted onto the Governance Group.
A FRIEND of Parentline Manawatu is a person or organisation who makes a donation but seeks no further involvement in Parentline.
PLEASE DONATE NOW Your donation will help a parent to attend a specialized parenting group
Payroll Giving allows you, if you are an employee, to 'give as you earn' by making donations directly from your pay to approved recipient organisations. For every dollar you donate, you receive a third back as a tax credit in the same pay period rather than the end of the tax year. If someone gives $15, it only costs them $10.00, but the organisation receives the full $15. Employees nominate a charity or organisation to donate to from their pay and the deduction and the credit are all done automatically through the employer's payroll system.
As payroll giving is a voluntary scheme your employer has the choice whether or not to make this option available to you and may restrict the choice of charities they will facilitate donations for. Parentline Manawatu Inc has approved donee status and is a registered charity (CC22325) so please include us in your payroll giving scheme. Parentline Manawatu's bank account number is 03 0726 0487313 00.