Policy and Reporting procedures for the Management of Child Abuse


Parentline Manawatu is committed to the well-being of tamariki and their whanau.


We believe child abuse is unacceptable and the well-being of the child or young person should be paramount.

What is child abuse?

Child abuse includes suspected or alleged sexual, physical, emotional abuse and neglect, as well as exposure to family violence.

General Principles

That concerns about alleged or suspected abuse will be responded to in an appropriate and timely manner.


Where there are clear indications of child abuse a report of concern will be made to the NZ Police or Oranga Tamariki with a view to them being investigating further, ensuring immediate child safety and ascertaining if tamariki are in need of care and protection.


Clients should always be supported to make changes or access support that ensures the well-being of tamariki.


Where possible we will work with clients and take actions with their consent.


Information may be sought/shared with a range of specified organisations/people under Section 66 or 66C of the Oranga Tamariki Act 1989, to ascertain child well-being.  


Parentline personnel will be trained for and supported in the event of allegations or suspicions of child abuse.


Clients will be made aware of this policy and procedures.


  • All concerns about alleged or suspected child abuse should be documented as soon as possible. This should be a priority.

  • Where a child or young person is deemed to be in immediate danger and at high risk, an emergency call should be made to 111. The worker should then consult with the Manager or their supervisor if this was not previously possible.

  • Where abuse is alleged or suspected and risk to children is not immediate, the worker should always consult with their Manager or Supervisor before taking action.

  • Under section 66C of the Oranga Tamariki Act 1989 information may be requested from services or other specific organisations/people covered by this section of the Act, to assist in the decision making with regard to making a report of concern.

  • All communication regarding information sharing under Sections 66 & 66C will be documented on the client file.

  • The Manager will make the decision as to whether a Report of Concern (ROC) should be made. If the decision is not to make an immediate notification, a plan should be put in place to ensure the family have been adequately empowered to keep child/ren safe, bearing in mind the paramountcy of the child’s welfare. Notifications of alleged or suspected Child abuse will be reported to Oranga Tamariki by calling 0508 FAMILY (0508 326 459) at the earliest possible opportunity.  Oranga Tamariki’s standard Report of concern form will be completed before a report of concern is made.

  • The intake team at the local site should be contacted to ensure local knowledge is included in Oranga Tamariki’s assessment of the ROC (Report of Concern). (Added 19/01/2022).

  • At the time a notification is made, the Police or Oranga Tamariki social worker will be informed of Parentline’s involvement with the family and will consult about the way the notification should be managed by Parentline.

  • Case notes will be entered on the client file detailing; Concerns, Professional supervision and/or Consultation with the Manager and Oranga Tamariki Report(s) of concern and any other documentation of the reporting process.

  • Case notes indicating concerns will be tagged with the child concerns indicator.

  • Risks will be documented along with actions to mitigate risk.

  • An alert will be added to any client file where concerns exist regarding child/ren associated with the client.

  • Feedback regarding the outcome/process of all Reports of Concern will be sought from Oranga Tamariki.

  • The circumstances and process of Reports of Concern will be reviewed once feedback is received and changes made to ensure best practice is implemented.


Adopted: 21 August 2007

Chair Joy Hamilton

Reviewed: March 2012, Nov 2014, April 2016, March 201

Chair Elizabeth Connelly

Reviewed: June 2021, January 2023, June 2024, February 2025

Next review: February 2026

Reference: Breaking the cycle; Inter agency protocols for child abuse management (says annually reviewed).

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