Child Abuse Prevention / Protection Policy


Parentline Manawatu promotes awareness of child abuse, the unacceptability of child abuse, and ways in which child abuse may be prevented.

Parentline Manawatu is committed to the prevention of and ending of child abuse in all forms.

We believe child abuse is unacceptable and the well-being of the child or young person should be paramount.


  • Parentline will utilise any opportunities to promote positive parenting and raise awareness of the impact parents have on the wellbeing of their children (eg posters in office etc).

  • Programmes will be provided that promote positive nurturing relationships with children and positive nurturing parenting of children.

  • Tip sheets, fact sheets, and other publications promoting positive parenting will be made available to parents.

  • Brochures and information about other support services and activities in the community will be available to encourage parents to access support to promote their relationship with their child/ren/young people.

  • Client files will include ‘User information & consent forms’ advising where there are concerns about safety and well-being , staff will report these concerns and that information may be shared under the provisions of Section 66 or 66C of the Oranga Tamariki Act 1989, to promote the well-being of tamariki/children and their whanau.

  • ‘User information & consent forms’ are signed to evidence clients have understood the above and/or had this explained to them.

  • Client files may also contain (regarding concerns/prevention/reporting of child abuse)
  • Child concerns indicator will be ticked on case notes if concerns exist
  • Concerns regarding children will be identified as Risks on Client files
  • Notes from multidisciplinary meetings or case conferences
  • Clinical or internal supervision/meeting notes
  • Notes from meetings or discussions with other agencies
  • FGC outcomes

  • Staff Files contain:
  • Orientation documentation that confirms staff induction training for abuse prevention and reporting.

  • Staff Training register and Staff files contain:
  • Documentation of training on the recognition of and responses to the signs of abuse.
  • Training attended to assist staff working with families to prevent child abuse.

  • Team meeting minutes may document how/when information regarding abuse is updated /refreshed.

  • Parents will be responsible for the supervision of any children/young people they bring with them, when in the Parentline office.

  • Staff will gain written parental consent to work with children either as part of the family group or individually.

  • All Parentline Manawatu personnel will be Police vetted to ensure the absence of prior convictions against children or relating to any type of violence that would pose undue risk to the safety of children. (As per Personnel Policy 2.j).

  • A documented risk assessment will be completed for personnel who either disclose information that might be of concern regarding their ability to maintain child safety or when information becomes available to Parentline regarding a member of personnel that is of concern regarding child safety. The complaints process or employment disciplinary processes may apply to the latter.

  • Staff and/or Volunteers will be stood down should allegations of child abuse, whether professionally or personally, be disclosed against them. These will be investigated as soon as practicable and forwarded to the Police or Oranga Tamariki.*

  • Any disclosures of abuse by children/young people will be investigated.*

  • Client information will include the statement that:  “The safety of children is a priority for Parentline and in circumstances where this is seriously compromised we carry an obligation to involve Oranga Tamariki whose role it is to assist in resolving issues around child safety. You are welcome to request a copy of our Policy and Reporting Procedures for the Management of Child Abuse and Child Abuse Prevention Policies.”

  • A copy of this policy will be made available on the website of Parentline Manawatu.

Adopted: 29 April 2015

Chair Elizabeth Connelly

Reviewed: 11 April 2016, March 2018, April 2020

Reviewed: June 2021, January 2023, June 2024, Feb 2025

To review: February 2026


*See also “Policy & reporting procedures for the management of child abuse”.

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