Times of sadness

Joanne Te Paiho • November 15, 2011

Kia Ora Koutou. On a bit of a serious note today, I really want to speak out to those of you, who are feeling as though your whole world has just fallen apart. Believe me, it won't have, even if it feels that way. My world has felt like that many times, but I'm still here and all is okay, as an old whakatauki or saying goes, "this too will pass". Although these times of despair, sadness, and let down, can be painful, they won't last forever. Often people, particularly our young people, may not have that insight, they may not have had to experience enough ups and downs to know these are just seasonal times. Just as winter falls upon us bringing with it many dull, cold and rainy days, we know that spring is never far away. And ooh how we appreciate spring and summer, but we wouldn't know to appreciate the warmth if we had never had the cold. Don't make hasty decisions during these times when you feel miserable and wonder what life is all about. It may be the break up from that special person in your life, it may be family conflict or family breakdown, it may just be that your mood has been low for such a long time, you have forgotten what happiness feels like or even looks like. It's at this point, I really need you to reach out.

Ending your life is not an option aye, it's just not, you will get through this low time, life is such a long adventure that this moment you have right now is just such a teeny weeny part of the bigger picture. You are a unique person, with a purpose to be here and so much to offer the world, so don't allow others and yourself to miss out on the great journey you have ahead of you, by ending it all, over a seasonal change in your life Confide in a friend or family member, don't try and walk through this sad time on your own. If you really feel like there is nobody that understands or hears you, reach out to the School Counsellor, or a Community Agency, someone will hear you. Youth One Stop Shop is just a phone call away and you can contact them on 355 5906. As parents, if you need our support here at Parentline, give us a call on 355 1655. I'm one of the Counsellors here and I'd love to support you and walk alongside you through this time.

Remember seasonal, seasonal, seasonal ...this is just a season in your life, it's not a forever feeling...Take care all.

Nga Mihi
Jo Te Paiho

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